Acheter un Business

Buying a business, a business in Miami or Florida: beware of traps of commercial real estate

A growing number of French and Canadians daily inquires about opportunities to create or take over a business in Miami and the rest of Florida. But they sometimes face – too late – the pitfalls that US regulations allow in terms of buying businesses. The point with Raquel Afriat, business broker in Miami, specializing in sales of businesses and businesses.

The American dream has its limits that intelligence must know how to master! For that – a wise man is worth two – Raquel Afriat helps us to distinguish the procedure allowing to proceed to a commercial acquisition in all peace of mind. “The first pitfall will seem unbelievable, but it’s simply a matter of doing your due diligence: to verify all of what you have been told and what the seller has shown you. It seems unbelievable to still have to emphasize it, but it happens too often that sales agreements are made “to the good franquette” as they say: a handshake and we do not talk anymore. People who create a business from scratch take their responsibilities … and their risks, even if we can advise them on their real estate purchase, but when it comes to a business recovery,


“We have very precise specifications that allow us to define the value of the property in its entirety, and to do the banking checks to prove what we have seen. Each part has traps that must be studied quickly, because often the purchase of a trade must be done quickly (otherwise it goes under your nose!). I saw for example the case of a resumption of a tanning salon (yes, it exists in Florida!) For which the seller had indicated the right number of machines and the good number of rooms present in the trade. Yes, except that before selling his business, he had moved two new and specialized machines to another of his salons. A part of the turnover was linked to these machines, the result was an immediate loss of turnover for the buyer who then had no chance to complain: he should have done the checks before. But this is not valid only for hardware or walls: you have to see the business environment, and study the staff closely: qualified, unskilled, long-time attached to the company … The quality of the business is it related to the personality of the boss? There are many aspects to check to know how the turnover is realized, its veracity and its durability. Sales reports, licenses, permits, authorizations, compliance … I want to see everything! ” and to study the staff closely: qualified, unskilled, long-time attached to the company … Is the quality of the business linked to the personality of the boss? There are many aspects to check to know how the turnover is realized, its veracity and its durability. Sales reports, licenses, permits, authorizations, compliance … I want to see everything! ” and to study the staff closely: qualified, unskilled, long-time attached to the company … Is the quality of the business linked to the personality of the boss? There are many aspects to check to know how the turnover is realized, its veracity and its durability. Sales reports, licenses, permits, authorizations, compliance … I want to see everything! “


For the French, Canadian, Swiss or Belgian investor who wishes to acquire the property, if he is abroad, he must also obtain an investor visa concomitantly. This imposes organizational requirements explains Raquel Afriat. “In this case, you have to organize yourself very precisely. We have the option to sign the contract in two stages, with a deposit payment that can be recovered before closing (the final signature) if it does not happen. But this pre-sales contract can also contain a requirement for obtaining a visa. In any case, the deposit can be recovered at any time, but in any case if the visa is not obtained, then there is no risk of losing anything. There are other peculiarities for foreign investors, for example the fact that they can not make a loan in the United States, for lack of a credit score. It should be known that in 30% of the cases, the seller participates in the financing of the sale. This is not insignificant to know, and it can help not only for the purchase, but also to convince everyone that the sale is healthy. Indeed, if the seller wants to lend you money, it is because he knows that his business will continue once you have acquired it. “And Ms. Afriat to detail the many pitfalls that await investors unprepared: the rent in advance that they are asked; the mistrust of some landlords vis-à-vis tenants in general, and foreigners in particular; the underestimation of the cost of living in the United States by future buyers, etc. etc. … “Investors are often below the local economic reality. We often see him at the first approach, when the investor tells us he wants to settle on Lincoln Road or Ocean Drive … places where as you know … the rents are the most expensive in Florida! We must also advise on other aspects underestimated, especially by many French, as the marketing budget is much more important (and necessary) in the United States than in Europe, given the hyper-competitive climate that we have here. But there are also simpler things to take into consideration, such as the cost of living in Florida, housing near the school of his children, etc … when the investor tells us he wants to settle on Lincoln Road or Ocean Drive … places where as you know … rents are the most expensive in Florida! We must also advise on other aspects underestimated, especially by many French, as the marketing budget is much more important (and necessary) in the United States than in Europe, given the hyper-competitive climate that we have here. But there are also simpler things to take into consideration, such as the cost of living in Florida, housing near the school of his children, etc … when the investor tells us he wants to settle on Lincoln Road or Ocean Drive … places where as you know … rents are the most expensive in Florida! We must also advise on other aspects underestimated, especially by many French, as the marketing budget is much more important (and necessary) in the United States than in Europe, given the hyper-competitive climate that we have here. But there are also simpler things to take into consideration, such as the cost of living in Florida, housing near the school of his children, etc … like the marketing budget which is much more important (and necessary) in the United States than in Europe, given the hyper-competitive climate that we have here. But there are also simpler things to take into consideration, such as the cost of living in Florida, housing near the school of his children, etc … like the marketing budget which is much more important (and necessary) in the United States than in Europe, given the hyper-competitive climate that we have here. But there are also simpler things to take into consideration, such as the cost of living in Florida, housing near the school of his children, etc …


And is there an interest in buying a franchise in Florida? “Yes, because paradoxically, given the way Americans value channels, there are not so many developed. So there is potential. Nevertheless, here too, we have to do things well. Everything is usually organized in the interest of the franchisor, not the franchisor. We must study everything, and not be lured by the mirror larks. Professionals must be used to assess the true potential of franchising, and not to throw themselves into the net of communication professionals: it is not because a new franchise is developing at a high speed that it does have potential. If you want to franchise your business, then the processes of creating a franchise are very easy in the United States to help you develop your brand. There are companies that take care of everything for you; to bring you the franchisees that meet your requirements, and for quite profitable amounts. “So, whether you are a franchisee or a franchisor, as Raquel Afriat says, it is better to call on a vigilant business broker who will know show you the many pitfalls and unexpected expenses.


Admittedly, there are sometimes failures in the creation of companies, as everywhere, but in a good business recovery, if things are well done, while respecting the many demands that such an approach implies, then there is no There is no reason to fail, and these are quite a minority. For my part, if I do not feel the project is viable, I refrain from taking the file.


Yes, there is still an important gap between supply and demand, but with really reasonable prices compared to the rest of the United States, and especially to Europe. So the French continue to arrive en masse, it does not stop. Many are highly qualified and make good investments. But people come to Miami from just about every country in the world, and that will continue as long as prices are competitive. Some companies put on sale are really beautiful and cheap, so it’s tempting for anyone who has the means!

Saisissez les opportunités d’affaires en Floride Maintenant – conseils aux acheteurs:

De plus en plus de gens ont décidé de devenir propriétaire d’une petite Entreprise. Beaucoup ont décidé de le faire Pour avoir un plus grand contrôle sur leur avenir et ont préféré faire l’acquisition d’une entreprise existante. Un grand pourcentage de ces acheteurs potentiels ont envie de changer de carrière et de rejoindre le rang d’entrepreneur. De nombreux aspirants attendent de trouver le “business parfait” mais tous les business comportent des risques. Doc rien ne sert d’attendre, le moment d’acheter une entreprise est maintenant. Il existe deux raisons pour lesquelles vous devez saisir les opportunités commerciales disponibles chez VR Ventes d’entreprise au lieu de rester à l’écart.

1) L’économie d’aujourd’hui mène à faire des offres raisonnables Il y a de nombreux vendeurs qui sont prêts à céder leurs entreprises à un moment donné : pour partir à la retraite ou toute autre raison de santé, divorce, dispute entre associés, changement de vie et destination etc… Les prix dans cette économie sont plus raisonnables en raison des indicateurs d’évaluation d’affaires.. De nombreux propriétaires d’entreprises ont commencé à songer à vendre pour leur pré-retraite, ils ont maintenant une grande urgence à vendre et ne pas attendre à demain pour profiter de la vie, de leurs petits-enfants, pour voyager. Si vous êtes un acheteur potentiel, vous êtes mieux placé pour acheter maintenant une entreprise, surtout que nous avons toujours de nombreux immigrants d’Europe, Amerique Latine, en Floride qui cherchent à s’installer et acheter un Business. Plus tard, vous risqueriez de manquer de bonnes opportunités.

2) Financer par le vendeur au lieu de la banque. Pour la plupart des gens, le plus gros problème est de disposer des fonds nécessaires pour acheter une entreprise. La solution à cela est de compléter par le financement du vendeur de 20 à 30% en moyenne plutôt que de passer par un organisme de prêt professionnel. Le vendeur assume la responsabilité d’un pourcentage de l’investissement. Dans cette situation, le propriétaire de l’entreprise qui vend son Business peut aborder cette question de deux manières différentes :

1. Il ou elle peut baisser le prix demandé si vous faites une offre cash. 2. Négocier avec l’acheteur le financement nécessaire pour compléter le prix demandé. Cela signifie que vous pouvez acheter une entreprise dès maintenant, car beaucoup sont disposés à financer eux-mêmes la transaction. Alors pourquoi attendre? Vous pouvez trouver cela difficile à croire, mais vous pouvez obtenir de meilleures conditions d’un vendeur que d’une banque. De plus, vous avez plus de marge de manœuvre pour négocier le versement initial qui fonctionne mieux pour vous, la durée du prêt, les mensualités et les taux d’intérêt.

Que vaut une entreprise? Comment comparer la valeur d’une Entreprise privée?

C’est une question qui se pose fréquemment pour les propriétaires d’entreprise, pour nous Business Brokers, et un large éventail de professionnels de la fiscalité et de la finance. Bien sûr, chaque entreprise est unique et, par conséquent, il n’existe pas de formule unique pour déterminer la valeur d’une entreprise, et un évaluateur utilise son jugement professionnel, son expérience et son analyse pour arriver à une conclusion de l’évaluation. Mais que se passe-t-il si vous voulez une valeur approximative générale de ce que vaut une entreprise spécifique?

Une façon de déterminer ceci est de regarder combien d’autres ont payé pour des entreprises similaires à différents niveaux de revenus. Cet article vous donnera un aperçu de base, une analyse, et vous fournira des multiples de valorisation pour les principaux secteurs de l’industrie en question.

Lorsque nous comparons la valeur d’une entreprise, nous comparons les mesures de bénéfice pour une entreprise similaire avec un ratio, également appelé multiple de prix de vente ou d’évaluation. Le Prix ​​de vente en chiffre d’affaires (ou prix de vente / chiffre d’affaires) est le prix de vente de l’entreprise vendue divisé par les revenus de cette entreprise. Si une entreprise de référence s’est vendue 1 million de dollars et qu’elle avait revenus de 2 millions de dollars, nous dirions qu’il s’est vendu pour 0,50 fois les revenus (1 million de dollars / 2 millions de dollars). M’a dit En d’autres termes, le multiple d’évaluation du prix de vente / chiffre d’affaires est 0,50. Vous pouvez utiliser cette mesure comme estimation ou point de repère pour la valeur d’une entreprise donnée. Par exemple, si un chiffre d’affaires de 3 millions de dollars et un multiple d’évaluation du prix de vente / chiffre d’affaires de 0,50 sélectionné parmi une société de référence, vous pouvez estimer à 1,5 million de dollars la valeur de cette entreprise. (3 millions de dollars × 0,50). Mais pour déterminer la valeur d’une entreprise privée, nous n’avons généralement pas recours à une solution comparable. Nous considérons plutôt un multiple d’évaluation médian pour un groupe d’entreprises dans une industrie ou partie d’une industrie.

See also the advice of Raquel Afriat to sell a business in Florida Raquel Afriat:

Born in Casablanca, youth in Strasbourg, a first life in tourism on the most beautiful sites in the world as a tour operator, Raquel Afriat arrived in the Caribbean via a passage in the West Indies, before settling permanently in Miami. Originally a businesswoman, she learned how to properly analyze the potential of a business and its managers, which has for many years enabled her to be a business broker at the head of a great team of experts in the field. sale of businesses, businesses of all sizes and all over Florida.

Raquel Afriat
VR Business Brokers
900 Biscayne Boulevard
Suite 1201
Miami, FL 33132
[email protected]

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